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产品列表 产品名称索引 化工字典索引
[1]   ...  [2046]  ...  [4548]   [4549]   [4550]   [4551]   [4552]   [4553]   [4554]   [4555]   [4556]   [4557]   [4558]   ...  [4640]  ...  [4685]   
1 Recombinant Mcm81
2 重组微小染色体维持缺陷蛋白81
3 Recombinant ORM1-like 3 (S. cerevisiae) protein1
4 Recombinant Ormdl31
5 重组Ormdl3蛋白1
6 Recombinant nucleoside-triphosphatase, cancer-related protein1
7 Recombinant Ntpcr1
8 重组1号染色体开放阅读框57蛋白1
9 Recombinant methionyl aminopeptidase type 1D (mitochondrial) protein1
10 Recombinant Metap1d1
11 重组蛋氨酸氨肽酶1D蛋白1
12 Recombinant BPI fold containing family B, member 2 protein1
13 Recombinant Bpifb21
14 重组杀菌通透性增加蛋白样11
15 Recombinant family with sequence similarity 107, member B protein1
16 Recombinant Fam107b1
17 重组FAM107B蛋白1
18 Recombinant transcription elongation factor A (SII) N-terminal and central domain containing 2 protein1
19 Recombinant Tceanc21
20 重组1号染色体开放阅读框83蛋白1
21 Recombinant translocase of inner mitochondrial membrane 50 protein1
22 Recombinant Timm501
23 重组线粒体内膜转位同源蛋白501
24 Recombinant asparaginase like 1 protein1
25 Recombinant Asrgl11
26 重组Asrgl1蛋白1
27 Recombinant Slc30a71
28 重组溶质载体转运蛋白家族30成员71
29 重组溶质载体家族30成员7(SLC30A7)蛋白1
30 Recombinant zinc finger, matrin type 2 protein1
31 Recombinant Zmat21
32 重组Zmat2蛋白1
33 Recombinant acidic (leucine-rich) nuclear phosphoprotein 32 family, member E protein1
34 Recombinant Anp32e1
35 重组富含亮氨酸样酸性核蛋白1
36 Recombinant spindle and kinetochore associated complex subunit 1 protein1
37 Recombinant Ska11
38 重组纺锤体和着丝粒相关蛋白11
39 Recombinant cytochrome b5 type B protein1
40 Recombinant Cyb5b1
41 重组Cyb5b蛋白1
42 Recombinant dCTP pyrophosphatase 1 protein1
43 Recombinant Dctpp11
44 重组Dctpp1蛋白1
45 Recombinant arrestin domain containing 4 protein1
46 Recombinant Arrdc41
47 重组抑制蛋白结构域蛋白41
48 Recombinant Ahnak1
49 重组神经细胞分化相关蛋白AHNAK1
50 重组桥粒联结蛋白(AHNAK)1
51 Recombinant phospholipase A2, group XIIA protein1
52 Recombinant Pla2g12a1
53 重组Ⅻ组磷脂酶A2(PLA2G12)蛋白1
54 Recombinant centromere protein P protein1
55 Recombinant Cenpp1
56 重组着丝粒蛋白P1
57 Recombinant SCP2 sterol-binding domain containing 1 protein1
58 Recombinant Scp2d11
59 重组20号染色体开放阅读框79蛋白1
60 Recombinant WD repeat domain 61 protein1
61 Recombinant Wdr611
62 重组Wdr61蛋白1
63 Recombinant dpy-30, histone methyltransferase complex regulatory subunit protein1
64 Recombinant Dpy301
65 重组DPY30蛋白1
66 Recombinant Gkn21
67 重组胃动蛋白2(GKN2)1
68 重组Gastrokine 2蛋白1
69 Recombinant coiled-coil-helix-coiled-coil-helix domain containing 5 protein1
70 Recombinant Chchd51
71 重组卷曲螺旋结构域蛋白CHCHD51
72 Recombinant mitochondrial ribosomal protein S36 protein1
73 Recombinant Mrps361
74 重组线粒体核糖体蛋白S361
75 Recombinant SAP domain containing ribonucleoprotein protein1
76 Recombinant Sarnp1
77 重组细胞因子诱导蛋白29kDa1
78 Recombinant Apoa51
79 重组载脂蛋白A5(APOA5)1
80 重组载脂蛋白A51
81 Recombinant coiled-coil-helix-coiled-coil-helix domain containing 6 protein1
82 Recombinant Chchd61
83 重组卷曲螺旋结构域蛋白CHCHD61
84 Recombinant late endosomal/lysosomal adaptor, MAPK and MTOR activator 4 protein1
85 Recombinant Lamtor41
86 重组7号染色体开放阅读框59蛋白1
87 Recombinant SET domain containing 6 protein1
88 Recombinant Setd61
89 重组SETD6蛋白1
90 Recombinant boule homolog, RNA binding protein1
91 Recombinant BOLL1
92 重组精子成熟相关蛋白BOULE1
93 Recombinant MTMR91
94 重组肌微管素相关蛋白9(MTMR9)1
95 重组肌微管素相关蛋白91
96 Recombinant synaptoporin protein1
97 Recombinant Synpr1
98 重组突触囊泡蛋白1
99 Recombinant Pdgfd1
100 重组血小板衍生生长因子D(PDGFD)蛋白1
[4685]   ...  [4632]  ...  [4554]   [4553]   [4552]   [4551]   [4550]   [4549]   [4548]   [4547]   [4546]   [4545]   [4544]   [4543]   [4542]   ...  [1816]  ...  [1]