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[1]   ...  [2046]  ...  [4547]   [4548]   [4549]   [4550]   [4551]   [4552]   [4553]   [4554]   [4555]   [4556]   [4557]   ...  [4640]  ...  [4685]   
1 重组血小板源性生长因子D/脊髓源性生长因子B蛋白1
2 Recombinant TRAK21
3 重组驱动蛋白结合运输蛋白2(TRAK2)1
4 重组肌萎缩侧索硬化症相关蛋白31
5 Recombinant chitinase domain containing 1 protein1
6 Recombinant CHID11
7 重组几丁质酶结构域蛋白11
8 Recombinant cytochrome P450 family 4 subfamily F member 12 protein1
9 Recombinant CYP4F121
10 重组CYP4F12蛋白1
11 Recombinant potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 14 protein1
12 Recombinant KCTD141
13 重组钾离子通道多聚体结构域蛋白141
14 Recombinant zinc finger and BTB domain containing 10 protein1
15 Recombinant ZBTB101
16 重组锌指蛋白ZBT101
17 Recombinant zinc finger and SCAN domain containing 18 protein1
18 Recombinant ZSCAN181
19 重组锌指蛋白4471
20 Recombinant bromodomain containing 9 protein1
21 Recombinant BRD91
22 重组BRD9蛋白1
23 Recombinant serine/threonine kinase 33 protein1
24 Recombinant STK331
25 重组丝氨酸/苏氨酸激酶33蛋白1
26 Recombinant WNK lysine deficient protein kinase 3 protein1
27 Recombinant WNK31
28 重组丝氨酸/苏氨酸激酶家族成员的基因WNK3蛋白1
29 Recombinant WNK lysine deficient protein kinase 4 protein1
30 Recombinant WNK41
31 重组WNK4蛋白1
32 Recombinant ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 Z protein1
33 Recombinant UBE2Z1
34 重组UBE2Z蛋白1
35 Recombinant pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase 3 protein1
36 Recombinant PYCR31
37 重组PYCR3蛋白1
38 Recombinant cytochrome c oxidase assembly factor 7 protein1
39 Recombinant COA71
40 重组1号染色体开放阅读框163蛋白1
41 Recombinant Kruppel-like factor 17 protein1
42 Recombinant klf171
43 重组锌指蛋白3931
44 Recombinant NAD kinase protein1
45 Recombinant NADK1
46 重组NAD激酶(NADK)蛋白1
47 Recombinant WNK11
48 重组赖氨酸缺陷型蛋白激酶11
49 重组WNK赖氨酸缺乏蛋白激酶1(WNK1)1
50 Recombinant integrator complex subunit 3 protein1
51 Recombinant INTS31
52 重组集成复杂蛋白亚单位31
53 Recombinant Nedd4 family interacting protein 1 protein1
54 Recombinant Ndfip11
55 重组乳腺癌相关蛋白SGA 1M1
56 Recombinant zinc finger protein of the cerebellum 5 protein1
57 Recombinant Zic51
58 重组锌指蛋白ZIC51
59 Recombinant Irak1bp11
60 重组白细胞介素1受体相关激酶1结合蛋白11
61 重组白介素1受体关联激酶1结合蛋白1(IRAK1BP1)1
62 Recombinant reticulon 4 receptor protein1
63 Recombinant RTN4R1
64 重组轴索过度生长抑制因子受体/Nogo受体蛋白1
65 Recombinant transmembrane protein 237 protein1
66 Recombinant TMEM2371
67 重组肌萎缩侧索硬化症相关蛋白41
68 Recombinant cyclin dependent kinase 15 protein1
69 Recombinant CDK151
70 重组CDK15蛋白1
71 Recombinant ACD1
72 重组肾上腺皮质发育异常同源蛋白1
73 重组肾上腺皮质发育不良同源物(ACD)蛋白1
74 Recombinant SLC26A61
75 重组溶质载体家族蛋白26成员61
76 重组溶质载体家族26成员6(SLC26A6)蛋白1
77 Recombinant mitochondrial ribosomal protein S5 protein1
78 Recombinant MRPS51
79 重组线粒体核糖体蛋白S51
80 Recombinant mitochondrial ribosomal protein S15 protein1
81 Recombinant MRPS151
82 重组线粒体核糖体蛋白S151
83 Recombinant tetratricopeptide repeat domain 23 protein1
84 Recombinant TTC231
85 重组宫颈癌原癌基因8蛋白1
86 Recombinant leucine rich repeat containing 19 protein1
87 Recombinant LRRC191
88 重组LRRC19蛋白1
89 Recombinant alanine--glyoxylate aminotransferase 2 protein1
90 Recombinant AGXT21
91 重组丙氨酸乙醛酸转氨酶2(AGXT2)蛋白1
92 Recombinant lipin 3 protein1
93 Recombinant Lpin31
94 重组磷脂酸磷酸酶LPIN3蛋白1
95 Recombinant PCDH201
96 重组原钙黏素20(PCDH20)蛋白1
97 重组原钙粘附蛋白201
98 Recombinant CUB domain containing protein 1 protein1
99 Recombinant CDCP11
100 重组含CUB域蛋白1(CDCP1)1
[4685]   ...  [4632]  ...  [4553]   [4552]   [4551]   [4550]   [4549]   [4548]   [4547]   [4546]   [4545]   [4544]   [4543]   [4542]   [4541]   ...  [1816]  ...  [1]