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1 Recombinant transmembrane protein 88B protein1
2 Recombinant Tmem88b1
3 重组Tmem88b蛋白1
4 Recombinant transmembrane protein 215 protein1
5 Recombinant Tmem2151
6 重组Tmem215蛋白1
7 Recombinant fibronectin type III domain containing 9 protein1
8 Recombinant Fndc91
9 重组Fndc9蛋白1
10 Recombinant transmembrane protein 229A protein1
11 Recombinant Tmem229a1
12 重组Tmem229a蛋白1
13 Recombinant transmembrane protein 72 protein1
14 Recombinant Tmem721
15 重组Tmem72蛋白1
16 Recombinant alkylglycerol monooxygenase protein1
17 Recombinant Agmo1
18 重组Agmo蛋白1
19 Recombinant EF-hand calcium binding domain 5 protein1
20 Recombinant Efcab51
21 重组EFCAB5蛋白1
22 Recombinant X-linked Kx blood group related 5 protein1
23 Recombinant Xkr51
24 重组Xkr5蛋白1
25 Recombinant H2A clustered histone 19 protein1
26 Recombinant H2ac191
27 重组H2ac19蛋白1
28 Recombinant H2B clustered histone 18 protein1
29 Recombinant H2bc181
30 重组H2bc18蛋白1
31 Recombinant H3 clustered histone 13 protein1
32 Recombinant H3c131
33 重组H3c13蛋白1
34 Recombinant H2A clustered histone 21 protein1
35 Recombinant H2AC211
36 重组H2AC21蛋白1
37 Recombinant IFNT21
38 重组IFNT2蛋白1
39 Recombinant CATHL61
40 重组CATHL6蛋白1
41 Recombinant NME/NM23 family member 9 protein1
42 Recombinant Nme91
43 重组Nme9蛋白1
44 Recombinant fer-1-like family member 6 protein1
45 Recombinant Fer1l61
46 重组FER1L6蛋白1
47 Recombinant Cyp2j31
48 重组细胞色素P450Ⅱj3蛋白1
49 重组细胞色素P450 2J3蛋白1
50 Recombinant tripartite motif-containing 67 protein1
51 Recombinant Trim671
52 重组Trim67蛋白1
53 Recombinant PABPN1 like protein1
54 Recombinant Pabpn1l1
55 重组Pabpn1l蛋白1
56 Recombinant Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 37 protein1
57 Recombinant Arhgef371
58 重组Arhgef37蛋白1
59 Recombinant testis and ovary specific TOPAZ 1 protein1
60 Recombinant Topaz11
61 重组3号染色体开放阅读框77蛋白1
62 Recombinant zinc finger CCCH-type containing 12B protein1
63 Recombinant Zc3h12b1
64 重组X染色体开放阅读框32蛋白1
65 Recombinant doublecortin domain containing 1 protein1
66 Recombinant Dcdc11
67 重组含双肾上腺皮质激素域蛋白1(DCDC1)1
68 Recombinant interferon induced transmembrane protein 10 protein1
69 Recombinant Ifitm101
70 重组Ifitm10蛋白1
71 Recombinant SH2 domain containing 4B protein1
72 Recombinant Sh2d4b1
73 重组含SH2结构域蛋白D4B蛋白1
74 Recombinant G protein-coupled receptor 15 ligand protein1
75 Recombinant Gpr15lg1
76 重组Gpr15lg蛋白1
77 Recombinant transmembrane protein 220 protein1
78 Recombinant Tmem2201
79 重组Tmem220蛋白1
80 Recombinant Cyp2d51
81 重组细胞角蛋白421
82 重组细胞色素P450 2D10蛋白1
83 Recombinant STON1-GTF2A1L readthrough protein1
84 Recombinant STON1-GTF2A1L1
85 重组SALFf蛋白1
86 Recombinant family with sequence similarity 133 member A protein1
87 Recombinant FAM133A1
88 重组FAM133A蛋白1
89 Recombinant zinc finger protein 775 protein1
90 Recombinant ZNF7751
91 重组锌指蛋白7751
92 Recombinant speedy/RINGO cell cycle regulator family member E1 protein1
93 Recombinant SPDYE11
94 重组快速周期调节蛋白SPDYE11
95 Recombinant long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 174 protein1
96 Recombinant LINC001741
97 重组LINC00174蛋白1
98 Recombinant proline rich 18 protein1
99 Recombinant PRR181
100 重组富含脯氨酸蛋白181
[4685]   ...  [4525]  ...  [4286]   [4285]   [4284]   [4283]   [4282]   [4281]   [4280]   [4279]   [4278]   [4277]   [4276]   [4275]   [4274]   ...  [1709]  ...  [1]