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产品列表 产品名称索引 化工字典索引
[1]   ...  [1923]  ...  [4274]   [4275]   [4276]   [4277]   [4278]   [4279]   [4280]   [4281]   [4282]   [4283]   [4284]   ...  [4544]  ...  [4685]   
1 重组FOXI3蛋白1
2 Recombinant coiled-coil serine rich 1 protein1
3 Recombinant Ccser11
4 重组FAM190A蛋白1
5 Recombinant ureidoimidazoline (2-oxo-4-hydroxy-4-carboxy-5) decarboxylase protein1
6 Recombinant Urad1
7 重组Urad蛋白1
8 Recombinant myosin 1H protein1
9 Recombinant Myo1h1
10 重组肌球蛋白1H1
11 Recombinant transmembrane protein 150C protein1
12 Recombinant Tmem150c1
13 重组Tmem150c蛋白1
14 Recombinant CCR4-NOT transcription complex, subunit 6-like protein1
15 Recombinant Cnot6l1
16 重组Cnot6l蛋白1
17 Recombinant DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C5 gamma protein1
18 Recombinant Dnajc5g1
19 重组DNAJC5G蛋白1
20 Recombinant kelch-like 17 protein1
21 Recombinant Klhl171
22 重组Kelch样蛋白171
23 Recombinant zyg-11 family member A, cell cycle regulator protein1
24 Recombinant Zyg11a1
25 重组ZYG11A蛋白1
26 Recombinant carbonic anhydrase 9 protein1
27 Recombinant Car91
28 重组Car9蛋白1
29 Recombinant S100 calcium binding protein A7 like 2 protein1
30 Recombinant S100a7l21
31 重组S100a7l2蛋白1
32 Recombinant FHF complex subunit HOOK interacting protein 1A protein1
33 Recombinant Fhip1a1
34 重组FAM160A1蛋白1
35 Recombinant X-linked Kx blood group related 7 protein1
36 Recombinant Xkr71
37 重组Xkr7蛋白1
38 Recombinant R-spondin 4 protein1
39 Recombinant Rspo41
40 重组RSPO4蛋白1
41 Recombinant pyroglutamylated RFamide peptide protein1
42 Recombinant Qrfp1
43 重组神经内分泌肽QRFP蛋白1
44 Recombinant leucine rich repeat containing 26 protein1
45 Recombinant Lrrc261
46 重组富含亮氨酸重复蛋白261
47 Recombinant solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 4C1 protein1
48 Recombinant Slco4c11
49 重组Slco4c1蛋白1
50 Recombinant espin-like protein1
51 Recombinant Espnl1
52 重组ESPNL蛋白1
53 Recombinant thiosulfate sulfurtransferase (rhodanese)-like domain containing 1 protein1
54 Recombinant Tstd11
55 重组Tstd1蛋白1
56 Recombinant zinc finger and BTB domain containing 41 protein1
57 Recombinant Zbtb411
58 重组锌指蛋白9241
59 Recombinant aspartyl-tRNA synthetase protein1
60 Recombinant Dars1
61 重组天冬氨酰tRNA合成酶(DARS)蛋白1
62 Recombinant echinoderm microtubule associated protein like 3 protein1
63 Recombinant Eml31
64 重组微管相关蛋白样蛋白31
65 Recombinant receptor transporter protein 2 protein1
66 Recombinant Rtp21
67 重组受体转运蛋白21
68 Recombinant ITPR interacting domain containing 1 protein1
69 Recombinant ITPRID11
70 重组卷曲螺旋结构域蛋白1291
71 Recombinant transmembrane protein 130 protein1
72 Recombinant TMEM1301
73 重组TMEM130蛋白1
74 Recombinant adhesion G protein-coupled receptor F2 protein1
75 Recombinant ADGRF21
76 重组ADGRF2蛋白1
77 Recombinant heparan sulfate-glucosamine 3-sulfotransferase 5 protein1
78 Recombinant HS3ST51
79 重组HS3ST5蛋白1
80 Recombinant family with sequence similarity 185 member A protein1
81 Recombinant FAM185A1
82 重组FAM185A蛋白1
83 Recombinant SDK11
84 重组细胞粘附分子伴侣蛋白11
85 重组Sidekick同源物1(SDK1)蛋白1
86 Recombinant Sp8 transcription factor protein1
87 Recombinant SP81
88 重组SP8蛋白1
89 Recombinant chromosome 6 open reading frame 89 protein1
90 Recombinant C6orf891
91 重组C6orf89蛋白1
92 Recombinant RPP38 divergent transcript protein1
93 Recombinant RPP38-DT1
94 重组RPP38-DT蛋白1
95 Recombinant zinc finger protein 485 protein1
96 Recombinant ZNF4851
97 重组ZNF485蛋白1
98 Recombinant membrane spanning 4-domains A15 protein1
99 Recombinant MS4A151
100 重组MS4A15蛋白1
[4685]   ...  [4523]  ...  [4280]   [4279]   [4278]   [4277]   [4276]   [4275]   [4274]   [4273]   [4272]   [4271]   [4270]   [4269]   [4268]   ...  [1706]  ...  [1]