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Evans Blue tetrasodium salt
Evans Blue tetrasodium salt图片
CAS NO:314-13-6

Evans Blue tetrasodium salt 是通过膜结合兴奋性氨基酸转运蛋白 (EAAT) 摄取 L-谷氨酸的有效抑制剂。
Cas No.314-13-6
别名伊文思蓝; Direct Blue 53; C.I. 23860
化学名sodium (6Z,6'Z)-6,6'-(2,2'-(3,3'-dimethyl-[1,1'-biphenyl]-4,4'-diyl)bis(hydrazin-2-yl-1-ylidene))bis(4-amino-5-oxo-5,6-dihydronaphthalene-1,3-disulfonate)
Canonical SMILESO=C1C(C(C=C/C1=N/NC(C(C)=C2)=CC=C2C3=CC=C(C(C)=C3)N/N=C4C(C(C(C=C\4)=C5S([O-])(=O)=O)=C(C(S([O-])(=O)=O)=C5)N)=O)=C6S([O-])(=O)=O)=C(C(S([O-])(=O)=O)=C6)N.[Na+].[Na+].[Na+].[Na+]
溶解度≥ 192.4 mg/mL in DMSO, ≥ 213.8 mg/mL in Water
储存条件Store at RT
General tipsFor obtaining a higher solubility , please warm the tube at 37 ℃ and shake it in the ultrasonic bath for a while.
Shipping ConditionEvaluation sample solution : ship with blue ice
All other available size: ship with RT , or blue ice upon request

IC50: 220 and 150 nM for GluRl and GIuR6, respectively.

Evans Blue tetrasodium salt is a potent inhibitor of AMPA and kainate receptor-mediated currents (GluRl and GIuR6).

Pharmacologically, the glutamate transporter is specific for glutamate and the closely related analogue L-aspartate does not block the uptake, whereas agents like L-homocysteate and La- aminoadipate block the vesicular L-glutamate uptake poorly.

In vitro: Evans blue inhibits the kainate-mediated responses of the non-NMDA receptor subunits (GIuRl, G1uR1,2, G1uRl,3, and G1uR2,3) expressed in Xenopus oocytes without the response of GluR3 and G1uR6 at low concentrations (IC50= 355 nM for the subunit combination GluR1,2). This pocess was partially reversible without competing with kainate for the agonist binding site [1]. In whole-cell patch clamp recordings of transfected human embryonic kidney 293 cells, Evans blue is a potent inhibitor of glutamate-evoked currents mediated by the kainate-type receptor GIuR6 as long as the AMPA-type receptor GluRl. Interestingly, pretreating with the lectin concanavalin cells recorded relatively little EB inhibition of GIuR6 currents, eliminating kainate receptor desensitization. In addition to decreasing GluR6-mediated peak current amplitude, EB significantly changed receptor desensitization by slowing the rate of onset by ~2-fold (1 M EB) and the rate of recovery by ~2-fold (0.1 p.M EB), and enhancing the steady state to peak current amplitude ratio by ~50-fold (1 M EB) [2].

In vivo: So far, no study in vivo has been conducted.

Clinical trial: So far, no clinical study has been conducted.

[1] Roseth S, Fykse EM, Fonnum F. Uptake of L-glutamate into rat brain synaptic vesicles: effect of inhibitors that bind specifically to the glutamate transporter. J Neurochem. 1995 Jul;65(1):96-103.
[2] Price CJ, Raymond LA. Evans blue antagonizes both alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionate and kainate receptors and modulates receptor desensitization. Mol Pharmacol. 1996 Dec; 50 (6):1665-71.