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Phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate
Phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate图片
CAS NO:37558-16-0



Physical AppearanceWhite lyophilised solid
StorageStore at -20°C
Cas No.37558-16-0
Solubility<25.23mg/ml in DMSO
Chemical Name(1aR,1bS,4aR,7aS,7bS,8R,9R,9aS)-4a,7b-dihydroxy-3-(hydroxymethyl)-1,1,6,8-tetramethyl-5-oxo-1a,1b,4,4a,5,7a,7b,8,9,9a-decahydro-1H-cyclopropa[3,4]benzo[1,2-e]azulene-9,9a-diyl dibutyrate
Canonical SMILESO[C@@]1([C@H](C=C(C)C2=O)[C@]32O)[C@@H](C=C(CO)C3)[C@H](C4(C)C)[C@]4([C@@H]([C@H]1C)OC(CCC)=O)OC(CCC)=O


Phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate, a phorbol ester, is an activator of PKC, including the conventional calcium-dependent subtypes (α and γ), the nonconventional calcium-independent isoforms (δ, ε, η), as well as the atypical calcium-independent and DAG or phorbol ester-unresponsive subtype (ζ). PKC plays an important role in the regulation of a variety of cellular processes such as exocytosis, gene expression, cell proliferation and differentiation, as well as tumor promotion, thereby representing the major target for tumor-promoting phorbol esters and chemically unrelated tumor promoters. Phorbol esters are able to replace the endogenous activator DAG in the stimulation of PKC, and participate in the multistage process of tumor formation and progression.


1. Geiges D, Meyer T, Marte B, et al. Activation of protein kinase C subtypes alpha, gamma, delta, epsilon, zeta, and eta by tumor-promoting and nontumor-promoting agents. Biochemical Pharmacology, 1997, 53(6): 865-875.

2. Middleton JP, Khan WA, Collinsworth G, et al. Heterogeneity of protein kinase C-mediated rapid regulation of Na/K-ATPase in kidney epithelial cells. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 1993, 268(21): 15958-15964.

3. Scribner JD, Boutwell RK. Inflammation and tumor promotion: selective protein induction in mouse skin by tumor promoters. European Journal of Cancer, 1972, 8(6): 617-621.


Cell experiment:[2]

Cell lines

OK and LLC-PK1cells expressing detectable levels of PKCα and PKCζ

Reaction Conditions

1 mM phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate for 10 min incubation


Phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate activated PKC, and inhibited Na/K-ATPase transport activity in OK cells, but not in LLC-PK1cells.

Animal experiment:[3]

Animal models

Female CD-1 mice, 8 weeks of age

Dosage form

Female CD-1 mice, 8 weeks of age

Topical administration


Phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate induced papilloma formation in mice with a total dose of 9.7 μmol required to produce papillomas in 50% of survivors after eight weeks. Phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate also induced inflammation in 50% of mice when administered topically to the ear at a dose of 0.067 μmol/ear.


The technical data provided above is for reference only.


1. Geiges D, Meyer T, Marte B, et al. Activation of protein kinase C subtypes alpha, gamma, delta, epsilon, zeta, and eta by tumor-promoting and nontumor-promoting agents. Biochemical Pharmacology, 1997, 53(6): 865-875.

2. Middleton JP, Khan WA, Collinsworth G, et al. Heterogeneity of protein kinase C-mediated rapid regulation of Na/K-ATPase in kidney epithelial cells. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 1993, 268(21): 15958-15964.

3. Scribner JD, Boutwell RK. Inflammation and tumor promotion: selective protein induction in mouse skin by tumor promoters. European Journal of Cancer, 1972, 8(6): 617-621.