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Protein A/G
Protein A/G图片



Gene ID:N/AAccession #:N/A
Alternate Names:Proteina/g, protein ag, protein a/g, proteinag, protein-ag, protein-a/g, proteinag, Protein A/G, rProtein A/G, r-protein A/G, recombinant protein A/G, IgG purification, antibody purification, Protein A, Protein G, Protein A&G.
Source:Escherichia Coli.M.Wt:59.7 kDa
Appearance:Lyophilized proteinStorage:Store at -20°C
Formulation:Lyophilized powder.
Solubility:Reconstitution in water to a concentration of 5 mg/ml gives a clear solution..
Shipping Condition:Gel pack.Handling:Centrifuge the vial prior to opening.
Usage:For Research Use Only! Not to be used in humans.


Protein A is a 42 kDa surface protein originally found in the cell wall of the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus. It can bind immunoglobulins. Protein G is an immunoglobulin-binding protein expressed in group C and G Streptococcal bacteria. Protein A/G is a genetically engineered protein that combines the IgG binding profiles of both Protein A and Protein G. It is a gene fusion product. Recombinant fusion protein A/G contains 6× His-tag on the N-terminus, five Ig-binding regions of protein A fusion with three Ig-binding region of protein G. Cell wall binding region, albumin binding region and other non-specific binding regions have been eliminated from the fusion protein A/G to ensure the maximum specific IgG binding. 6× His-tag on N-terminus can be used for affinity purification or for protein A/G detection using anti-His-tag antibody. Protein A/G binds to all IgG subclasses from various mammalian species, including all IgGs that bind to both Protein A and Protein G, making it the ideal choice for purification of all kinds of polyclonal or monoclonal IgG antibodies.