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Cinnamic acid
Cinnamic acid图片
10mM (in 1mL DMSO)电议

肉桂酸是一种天然抗菌剂,对鱼类病原体 A 的最低抑菌浓度 (MIC) 为 250 μg/mL。

Cell experiment:

The cell lines used, established from human malignant tumors, are A549 (lung cancer); PC3(M), Du145, and LNCaP (prostate cancer); A172, U251 (glioblastoma); and SKMEL28, A375(M), 1011 (melanoma). Growth rates are determined by cell counting. Briefly, 5 X104 cells are plated in each well of a 24-well plate, allowed to attach overnight, and treated with compounds (e.g., Cinnamic acid: 2.5, 5, 10, 20, 30 mM) the following day. Cells are grown for 3 days at 37℃ in the presence or absence of the drug, then detached with trypsin/EDTA and counted in a Coulter counter. Viability is determined by Trypan-blue exclusion assay[1].


trans-Cinnamic acid is a natural antimicrobial, with minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 250 μg/mL against fish pathogen A. sobria, SY-AS1[1].

trans-Cinnamic acid is an antimicrobial activity, with minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 250 μg/mL against fish pathogen A. sobria, SY-AS1. trans-cinnamic acid shows moderate inhibition on the rainbow trout intestinal isolates A. sobria SY-AS3 and S. baltica, SY-S145, gill isolate F. spartansii SY-FS1 and fish pathogens A. salmonicida ATCC 33658, Listonella anguillarum, SY-L24, V. crassostreae SY-VC10 and Y. ruckeri E42. trans-cinnamic acid is more effective on bacteria when the pH of the culture media is not neutralized[1].

[1]. Yilmaz S, et al. Antimicrobial activity of trans-cinnamic acid and commonly used antibiotics against important fish pathogens and nonpathogenic isolates. J Appl Microbiol. 2018 Sep 4.