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10mM (in 1mL DMSO)电议

PD184352 (CI-1040) (PD 184352) 是一种具有口服活性的高特异性 MEK 小分子抑制剂,对 MEK1 的 IC50 为 17 nM。

Cell lines

CCl39 cells expressing FLAG-ERK5

Preparation method

The solubility of this compound in DMSO is >10 mM. General tips for obtaining a higher concentration: Please warm the tube at 37 ℃ for 10 minutes and/or shake it in the ultrasonic bath for a while.Stock solution can be stored below -20℃ for several months.

Reaction Conditions

IC50:< 1 μM, 90 min


Cells were serum-starved for 16 h prior to the addition of PD184352, or an equivalent of DMSO vehicle control for 90 min. Single dishes of cells were then stimulated with 10% FBS for 15 min and immune-complex kinase assays performed with either myelin basic protein (MBP; ERK1) or GST-MEF2C (ERK5), as a substrate. PD184352 inhibited FBS-induced ERK1 activation with an IC50 below 1 μM, whereas even a dose of 20 μM PD184352 was insufficient to inhibit ERK5 activity, induced in the same manner and assayed from the same cell extracts as ERK1.

Animal models

DBA/2-pcy/pcy mice

Dosage form

Oral administration, 400 mg/kg daily for the first week and then every third day for 6 additional weeks


The body weight of the PD184352-treated pcy mice was slightly but significantly lower than that of the control pcy mice. The kidney weight, kidney weight to body weight ratio, BP, and serum creatinine levels of the PD184352-treated pcy mice also were significantly less at the end of treatment. Water intake of PD184352-treated pcy mice was reduced, and urine osmolality was increased. The cystic index also was significantly lower in the PD184352-treated pcy mice than in the control pcy mice.

Other notes

Please test the solubility of all compounds indoor, and the actual solubility may slightly differ with the theoretical value. This is caused by an experimental system error and it is normal.


CI-1040 (PD184352) is an orally active, highly specific, small-molecule inhibitor of MEK with an IC50 of 17 nM for MEK1.

CI-1040 directly inhibits MEK1 with an IC50 of 17 nM. It has also been shown to have little activity against a panel of related kinases with IC50 values more than 2.5 orders of magnitude higher. Treatment of whole cells with CI-1040 completely inhibits the mitogen-stimulated phosphorylation of ERK. CI-1040 at a concentration of 1 μM is found to inhibit phosphorylation of ERK1 and ERK2 by 99% and 92%, respectively in MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells[1]. CI-1040 induces apoptosis and inhibits proliferation in U-937 cells in a dose and time-dependent manner. CI-1040 induces a significant increase in PUMA mRNA and protein levels[2].

The systemic administration of the MEK inhibitor CI-1040 reduces adenoma formation to a third and significantly restores lung structure. The proliferation rate of lung cells of mice treated with CL-1040 is decreased without any obvious effects on differentiation of pneumocytes[3].

[1]. Allen LF, et al. CI-1040 (PD184352), a targeted signal transduction inhibitor of MEK (MAPKK). Semin Oncol. 2003 Oct;30(5 Suppl 16):105-16.
[2]. Wei CR, et al. MEK inhibitor CI-1040 induces apoptosis in acute myeloid leukemia cells in vitro. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2016 May;20(10):1961-8.
[3]. Kramer BW, et al. Use of mitogenic cascade blockers for treatment of C-Raf induced lung adenoma in vivo: CI-1040strongly reduces growth and improves lung structure. BMC Cancer. 2004 Jun 1;4:24.