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Calcium chloride dihydrate
Calcium chloride dihydrate图片

transformation of E.Coli and transfection of eukaryotic cells
溶解度:Soluble to 1000 mM in sterile water
存储:Store at -20°C


Calcium Chloride is a widely used reagent in the research of biochemistry.
Calcium play roles of great importance in physiological function, including signal transmitting, muscle contraction, and maintenance of cell morphology and stability. Chloride ions are essential in body fluids which maintain the acid/base balance and transduce nerve impulses.
Calcium Chloride is used in the preparation and transformation of competent Escherichia. Coli and in the transfection of eukaryotic cells with either plasmid DNA or high molecular weight genomic DNA. CaCl2 has been used in the stabilization and two-dimensional crystallization of the NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase from E. coli. The crystallization of procine pancreatic elastase in the presence of CaCl2 in the presence of sodium citrate reveals binding of calcium in the metal binding site of the protein. [1]
Calcium chloride was also assessed for its ability to bind dietary phosphorus both in vivo and in vitro. The outcome revealed that inhibition of phosphorus absorption by calcium chloride involves a complex interplay between chemical reactions and ion transport processes in the stomach and small intestine. Moreover, calcium chloride was assessed for the rapidity of reaction at pH 7 which showed 99% binding at 10 min. Calcium chloride is also a convenient and reliable reagent for creating aneurysm model. Doses of 13.6 mEq/10 ml calcium chloride solution were administrated to the abdominal aorta of nine mice daily. The diameters of vessel were measured in 7-day intervals and had significant increasing, which could be results of in?ammatory in?ltrates in the intima and media layers underlying mechanisms for this model include disrupting the elastic network within the media by calcium precipitations and activating the in?ammatory response. [2, 3]
[1] Dagert, M., and S. D. Ehrlich. "Prolonged incubation in calcium chloride improves the competence of Escherichia coli cells." Gene 6.1 (1979): 23-28.
[2] Sheikh, Mudassir S., et al. "Reduction of dietary phosphorus absorption by phosphorus binders. A theoretical, in vitro, and in vivo study." Journal of Clinical Investigation 83.1 (1989): 66.
[3] Chiou, Andy C., Bill Chiu, and William H. Pearce. "Murine aortic aneurysm produced by periarterial application of calcium chloride." Journal of Surgical Research 99.2 (2001): 371-376.