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BMPO (BocMPO) 是一种环状硝酮自旋阱。

Cell lines

Human normal lymphocytes and MEC-1 leukemia cells

Preparation Method

Cells were irradiated with UV radiation (290 – 315 nm). Then add 20 μl of BMPO to 80μ l cell suspension (20 mM), then mixed in an eppendorf tube. After that, transferred the mixture to microhaematocrit capillaries and sealed with Paraffin. Then put it into EPR Pyrex tubes and inserted into the cavity of a Bruker EMX-131 X-band spectrometer.

Reaction Conditions

The final concentration of BMPO is 100 mM. Samples were exposed to UVB radiation (290-315 nm) and to UVA radiation (315-400 nm) for 3 and 10 min at 47.7 and 159 mJ/cm2 and 53.7 mJ/cm2. The spectrometer was operated at ~9.5 GHz, while the spectra were recorded at room temperature.


BMPO combined with EPR spectroscopy provides detection and identification of cellular ROS. Which might contribute to the understanding of some fundamental mechanisms leading to oxidative stress or damage in biological systems.


BMPO is a cyclic nitrone spin trap agent, it is a water-soluble white solid which makes BMPO purification easier than other spin trap agents. Even after prolonged storage at 220℃, there was no artificial signal formation from aqueous solutions containing BMPO (25–100 mM). BMPO offers several advantages over the existing spin traps in the detection and characterization of thiyl radicals, hydroxyl radicals, and superoxide anions in biological systems. One of the perceived advantages of BMPO is that the BMPO/oOOH adduct does not readily decay nonenzymatically to the BMPO/oOH adduct.[1]

The in vitro experiment took advantage of Rabbit aortic segments, which were treated with ADR and incubation with 0.1 M BMPO, a novel solid superoxide spin trap. Results showed that BMPO-hydroxyl radical adduct was detected in supernatants upon 10-min incubation of aortic segment with incremental doses of ADR.[2] Time-dependent changes in the ESR spectra of superoxide adducts of BMPO was generated in a xanthine/xanthine oxidase incubation system. BMPO superoxide adducts did not decay to the corresponding hydroxyl adducts. Results also indicate that the BMPO superoxide adduct is persistent. The decay kinetics of BMPO/oOOH also demonstrate this feature. In this system, the ESR spectrum of the BMPO/oOOH adduct could be detected even up to 35 min. Although BMPO/oOOH is intrinsically more stable, it is likely to be enzymatically reduced to BMPO/oOH in biological systems.[1]

[1]. Zhao H, Joseph J, Zhang H, Karoui H, Kalyanaraman B. Synthesis and biochemical applications of a solid cyclic nitrone spin trap: a relatively superior trap for detecting superoxide anions and glutathiyl radicals. Free Radic Biol Med. 2001 Sep 1;31(5):599-606.
[2]. Duquaine D, Hirsch GA, Chakrabarti A, Han Z, Kehrer C, Brook R, Joseph J, Schott A, Kalyanaraman B, Vasquez-Vivar J, Rajagopalan S. Rapid-onset endothelial dysfunction with adriamycin: evidence for a dysfunctional nitric oxide synthase. Vasc Med. 2003 May;8(2):101-7.