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[1]   ...  [2038]  ...  [4531]   [4532]   [4533]   [4534]   [4535]   [4536]   [4537]   [4538]   [4539]   [4540]   [4541]   ...  [4634]  ...  [4685]   
1 Recombinant SLC39A91
2 重组SLC39A9蛋白1
3 Recombinant DNA damage regulated autophagy modulator 1 protein1
4 Recombinant DRAM11
5 重组DNA损伤自噬调整蛋白1
6 Recombinant RNLS1
7 重组肾酶(RNLS)蛋白1
8 重组肾胺酶蛋白1
9 Recombinant CPPED11
10 重组钙调神经磷酸酶CSTP1蛋白1
11 重组含钙调磷酸酶样磷酸酯酶域蛋白1(CPPED1)1
12 Recombinant GTPase, IMAP family member 4 protein1
13 Recombinant GIMAP41
14 重组GTP酶IMAP家族成员4蛋白1
15 Recombinant biogenesis of ribosomes BRX1 protein1
16 Recombinant BRIX11
17 重组BXDC2蛋白1
18 Recombinant BRF2 RNA polymerase III transcription initiation factor subunit protein1
19 Recombinant BRF21
20 重组BRF2蛋白1
21 Recombinant ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 W protein1
22 Recombinant UBE2W1
23 重组泛素蛋白连接酶W1
24 Recombinant FGGY carbohydrate kinase domain containing protein1
25 Recombinant FGGY1
26 重组肌萎缩侧索硬化症相关蛋白FGGY1
27 Recombinant transmembrane protein 100 protein1
28 Recombinant TMEM1001
29 重组TMEM100蛋白1
30 Recombinant IMP31
31 重组核糖体蛋白S4(MRPS4)真核蛋白1
32 重组核糖体蛋白S4(MRPS4)1
33 Recombinant nudix hydrolase 15 protein1
34 Recombinant NUDT151
35 重组NUDT15蛋白1
36 Recombinant paraspeckle component 1 protein1
37 Recombinant PSPC11
38 重组PSPC1蛋白1
39 Recombinant acireductone dioxygenase 1 protein1
40 Recombinant ADI11
41 重组膜型基质金属蛋白酶胞质尾结合蛋白11
42 Recombinant YY1 associated protein 1 protein1
43 Recombinant YY1AP11
44 重组YY1相关蛋白11
45 Recombinant NEIL31
46 重组Nei内切核酸酶Ⅷ样蛋白3(NEIL3)1
47 重组DNA糖基化酶FPG2蛋白1
48 Recombinant STEAP3 metalloreductase protein1
49 Recombinant STEAP31
50 重组前列腺跨膜上皮3抗原蛋白1
51 Recombinant 2-oxoglutarate and iron dependent oxygenase domain containing 1 protein1
52 Recombinant OGFOD11
53 重组末端多聚腺苷酸1蛋白1
54 Recombinant ubiquitin like modifier activating enzyme 6 protein1
55 Recombinant UBA61
56 重组泛素样修饰激活酶6(UBA6)蛋白1
57 Recombinant MOB kinase activator 1A protein1
58 Recombinant MOB1A1
59 重组2号染色体开放阅读框6蛋白1
60 Recombinant ubiquitin specific peptidase 40 protein1
61 Recombinant USP401
62 重组USP40蛋白1
63 Recombinant N-acetyltransferase 10 protein1
64 Recombinant NAT101
65 重组乙酰基转移酶10蛋白1
66 Recombinant ethanolamine kinase 2 protein1
67 Recombinant ETNK21
68 重组ETNK2蛋白1
69 Recombinant tripartite motif containing 62 protein1
70 Recombinant TRIM621
71 重组TRIM62蛋白1
72 Recombinant trimethyllysine hydroxylase, epsilon protein1
73 Recombinant TMLHE1
74 重组TMLHE蛋白1
75 Recombinant P3H21
76 重组皮屑蛋白样蛋白1(LEPREL1)1
77 重组LEPREL1蛋白1
78 Recombinant RCBTB11
79 重组鸟嘌呤核苷酸交换因子CLLD7蛋白1
80 重组鸟嘌呤核苷酸交换因子蛋白1
81 Recombinant Bardet-Biedl syndrome 7 protein1
82 Recombinant BBS71
83 重组巴尔得-别德尔综合征相关蛋白71
84 Recombinant developmental pluripotency associated 4 protein1
85 Recombinant DPPA41
86 重组多能发育相关基因4蛋白1
87 Recombinant ATPase family AAA domain containing 3A protein1
88 Recombinant ATAD3A1
89 重组三磷酸腺苷酶家族蛋白3A1
90 Recombinant pleckstrin homology and RhoGEF domain containing G6 protein1
91 Recombinant PLEKHG61
92 重组肌球蛋白相互作用G蛋白交换因子1
93 Recombinant adaptor protein, phosphotyrosine interacting with PH domain and leucine zipper 2 protein1
94 Recombinant APPL21
95 重组DIP13β蛋白1
96 Recombinant regulation of nuclear pre-mRNA domain containing 1A protein1
97 Recombinant RPRD1A1
98 重组细胞周期依赖性激酶抑制相关蛋白1
99 Recombinant polybromo 1 protein1
100 Recombinant PBRM11
[4685]   ...  [4625]  ...  [4537]   [4536]   [4535]   [4534]   [4533]   [4532]   [4531]   [4530]   [4529]   [4528]   [4527]   [4526]   [4525]   ...  [1809]  ...  [1]