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产品列表 产品名称索引 化工字典索引
[1]   ...  [1911]  ...  [4247]   [4248]   [4249]   [4250]   [4251]   [4252]   [4253]   [4254]   [4255]   [4256]   [4257]   ...  [4535]  ...  [4685]   
1 Recombinant Nudt71
2 重组Nudt7蛋白1
3 Recombinant DEAH (Asp-Glu-Ala-His) box polypeptide 40 protein1
4 Recombinant Dhx401
5 重组DHX40蛋白1
6 Recombinant cilia and flagella associated protein 95 protein1
7 Recombinant Cfap951
8 重组9号染色体开放阅读框135蛋白1
9 Recombinant dual specificity phosphatase 28 protein1
10 Recombinant Dusp281
11 重组Dusp28蛋白1
12 Recombinant signal recognition particle receptor ('docking protein') protein1
13 Recombinant Srpr1
14 重组信号识别颗粒受体(SRPR)蛋白1
15 Recombinant dynein light chain Tctex-type 5 protein1
16 Recombinant Dynlt51
17 重组Dynlt5蛋白1
18 Recombinant splicing regulatory glutamine/lysine-rich protein 1interacting protein 1 protein1
19 Recombinant Srek1ip11
20 重组P18剪接调节蛋白1
21 Recombinant family with sequence similarity 220, member A protein1
22 Recombinant Fam220a1
23 重组FAM220A蛋白1
24 Recombinant zinc finger with KRAB and SCAN domains 14 protein1
25 Recombinant Zkscan141
26 重组Zkscan14蛋白1
27 Recombinant membrane bound O-acyltransferase domain containing 2 protein1
28 Recombinant Mboat21
29 重组溶血磷脂酰酰基转移酶2蛋白1
30 Recombinant neurotrophin receptor associated death domain protein1
31 Recombinant Nradd1
32 重组死亡结构域蛋白NRH21
33 Recombinant lipoyl(octanoyl) transferase 2 (putative) protein1
34 Recombinant Lipt21
35 重组硫辛酰连接酶2蛋白1
36 Recombinant cilia and flagella associated protein 418 protein1
37 Recombinant Cfap4181
38 重组8号染色体开放阅读框37蛋白1
39 Recombinant RNA guanine-7 methyltransferase activating subunit protein1
40 Recombinant Ramac1
41 重组FAM103A1蛋白1
42 Recombinant ATP synthase, H+ transporting, mitochondrial F1 complex, epsilon subunit protein1
43 Recombinant Atp5e1
44 重组Atp5e蛋白1
45 Recombinant coiled-coil domain containing 159 protein1
46 Recombinant Ccdc1591
47 重组Ccdc159蛋白1
48 Recombinant solute carrier family 25, member 53 protein1
49 Recombinant Slc25a531
50 重组MCART6蛋白1
51 Recombinant family with sequence similarity 210, member B protein1
52 Recombinant Fam210b1
53 重组FAM210B蛋白1
54 Recombinant zinc finger, CCHC domain containing 18 protein1
55 Recombinant Zcchc181
56 重组ZCCHC18蛋白1
57 Recombinant transmembrane protein 134 protein1
58 Recombinant Tmem1341
59 重组跨膜蛋白1341
60 Recombinant potassium channel tetramerisation domain containing 20 protein1
61 Recombinant Kctd201
62 重组钾离子通道多聚体结构域蛋白201
63 Recombinant SWIM type zinc finger 7 associated protein 1 protein1
64 Recombinant Swsap11
65 重组Swsap1蛋白1
66 Recombinant MINDY lysine 48 deubiquitinase 3 protein1
67 Recombinant Mindy31
68 重组Mindy3蛋白1
69 Recombinant solute carrier family 66 member 2 protein1
70 Recombinant Slc66a21
71 重组Slc66a2蛋白1
72 Recombinant distal membrane arm assembly complex 1 protein1
73 Recombinant Dmac11
74 重组Dmac1蛋白1
75 Recombinant COP9 signalosome subunit 9 protein1
76 Recombinant Cops91
77 重组COPS9蛋白1
78 Recombinant N(alpha)-acetyltransferase 16, NatA auxiliary subunit protein1
79 Recombinant Naa161
80 重组NMDA受体调节1样蛋白1
81 Recombinant tetratricopeptide repeat, ankyrin repeat and coiled-coil containing 1 protein1
82 Recombinant Tanc11
83 重组TANC1蛋白1
84 Recombinant transmembrane protein 223 protein1
85 Recombinant Tmem2231
86 重组Tmem223蛋白1
87 Recombinant 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydratase 4 protein1
88 Recombinant Hacd41
89 重组蛋白酪氨酸磷酸酶样A结构域蛋白21
90 Recombinant transmembrane 239 protein1
91 Recombinant Tmem2391
92 重组Tmem239蛋白1
93 Recombinant phospholipase A and acyltransferase 5 protein1
94 Recombinant Plaat51
95 重组HRASLS5蛋白1
96 Recombinant sperm equatorial segment protein 1 protein1
97 Recombinant Spesp11
98 重组精子赤道区域蛋白11
99 Recombinant keratin associated protein 3-2 protein1
100 Recombinant Krtap3-21
[4685]   ...  [4512]  ...  [4253]   [4252]   [4251]   [4250]   [4249]   [4248]   [4247]   [4246]   [4245]   [4244]   [4243]   [4242]   [4241]   ...  [1696]  ...  [1]