产品介绍 目录号 Serial | GNHu28 | 标识符 Identifier | CSTR:19375.09.3101HUMGNHu28 | 描述 Description | 在本库通过支原体检测。 在本库通过STR检测。 | 动物种别 Organism | 人 | 性别 Gender | 男 | 组织来源 Tissue and Cell Type | 肺 | 形态 Morphology | 成纤维细胞样 | 培养基和添加剂 Complete Growth Medium and Culture Conditions | F-12K Nutrient Mixture (gibco by life technologies 21127-022),90%;优质胎牛血清,10%。 气相:空气,95%;二氧化碳,5%。 温度:37摄氏度。 | 供应限制 Permits and Restrictions | A。仅供研究之用。 | REFERENCE | Breul SD , et al. Control of collagen production by human diploid lung fibroblasts. J. Biol. Chem. 255: 5250-5260, 1980. PubMed: 7372635Caputo, J. L., Biosafety procedures in cell culture. J. Tissue Culture Methods 11:223-227, 1988.Fleming, D.O., Richardson, J. H., Tulis, J.J. and Vesley, D., (1995) Laboratory Safety: Principles and Practice. Second edition, ASM press, Washington, DC.Centers for Disease Control (1993), Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories Human Health Service Publication No. (CDC) 93-8395. U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services; 3rd Edition U.S. Government Printing Office Washington D.C. |
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